Child Abuse Victim

The number of child abuse cases arising in this country is rising at an alarming rate. With more than three million child abuse reports filed in the United States each year, at least one child abuse victim is reporting abuse every ten seconds. There are four major forms of child abuse:

  • Physical abuse: any injury caused by physical aggression, including burning, beating, throwing, and shaking. Even if the child’s injuries were unintentional, the child has still suffered physical abuse.

  • Sexual abuse: any sexual act between a child and an adult, including intercourse, incest, rape, oral sex and sodomy. Children are never at fault for acts of sexual abuse; it is the adult’s responsibility to not engage in sexual acts with them. Children can suffer sexual abuse at the hands of any adult, including parents, teachers and strangers.

  • Emotional abuse: any action or inaction that negatively impacts a child’s mental health, emotional health or development. Examples of emotional abuse include verbal abuse and extreme punishment.

  • Neglect: failure to care and provide for a child’s physical and emotional needs. Because neglect is inaction, it often goes unreported. Nearly two-thirds of all child abuse falls under child neglect.

There are many people and organizations that interact with children daily who are legally obligated to report any suspicion of child abuse. These entities include schools, teachers, youth organizations, government agencies and churches. If any of these parties knew a child was suffering from child abuse and either took no action to protect the victim or did not report the abuse, the person or the entity can be held legally liable.

If you believe your child has suffered any abuse, contact the Miami child abuse lawyers at Friedland | Carmona today. The compassionate staff at Friedland | Carmona understands that child is abuse is tragic and traumatic for the entire family. The staff is here to make the process of filing a lawsuit as easy as possible under the circumstances. The Palm Beach child abuse lawyers at Friedland | Carmona will meet with your child and family to plan for your next steps. As the parent of a child who has been harmed by another, you have the right to pursue the person or organization responsible for causing harm to your child to recover compensation for your child’s injuries and future needs.

If your child has suffered abuse, both you and your child need to be presented by an attorney you trust. The Miami child abuse lawyers at the Friedland | Carmona will help your child understand that all child abuse is wrong and will work to establish a trusting relationship with your child and family to adequately represent your child’s interests. The Broward personal injury lawyers will aggressively pursue the adults who have abused your child. If you believe your child is suffering abuse or you are aware that your child has suffered abuse, contact the Fort Lauderdale child abuse lawyers today. Contact us today for your free consultation. Don’t hesitate. Let our family take care of your family!