Broward Car Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, you need to call the  attorneys at Friedland | Carmona today! Attorneys Jonathan R. Friedland and Michael Carmona have dedicated their careers to helping accident victims recover compensation for injuries sustained in a car accident. When an auto accident occurs, accident victims are often injured and left with expensive medical bills to pay, even though they were not at fault for the accident. If you or a loved one has been in an auto accident, our attorneys will work diligently to recover money for your injuries, past and future lost wages and pain and suffering.

When an auto accident occurs, it is important that you first obtain any and all necessary medical treatment. Once you have recovered, you will likely have to deal with multiple insurance companies, including auto and medical insurance companies. Car insurance companies will send a claims adjuster out to survey the scene and talk to all parties involved. The claims adjuster’s goal is to settle the claim is to settle the case as quickly and as cheaply as possible, without regard for what you are actually entitled to. It is important that you contact the car accident lawyers at Friedland | Carmona before talking to the insurance companies. The insurance companies will often offer you a settlement that is far less than what you deserve. Our attorneys will work meticulously to ensure that the insurance companies pay you what you deserve. Florida law requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection, also known as PIP, which covers a certain amount of medical expenses incurred in a car accident. However, PIP insurers will often try to avoid paying for your medical expenses.

Broward personal injury attorney Jonathan R. Friedland has been helping accident victims for over twenty years and has recovered hundreds of thousands of dollars for his clients. In one instance, Friedland | Carmona recovered $4 million for an auto accident client. In that case, the Plaintiffs were driving down U.S. 1 in the Florida Keys when the defendant’s truck crossed over the road and smashed into the Plaintiffs’ car head on, leaving one of the victims hospitalized for over three months for head and heart injuries.

As an accident victim, you should not be obligated to pay medical expenses for injuries your incurred as a result of another’s negligence. Auto accidents cause serious physical and emotional injuries and often leave the victim unable to work for a period of time. The attorneys at Friedland | Carmona will fight to recover compensation for your medical and emotional pain as well as any past and future lost wages that have resulted from the accident. If you believe that another negligent driver caused your auto accident injuries, call or email the attorneys at Friedland | Carmona for your free consultation. Don’t hesitate; call today and let our family take care of your family!